Are you a list-lover?
My life seems to be organised around a scattering of post-it notes reminding me of what I have to do, get or even think about.
I love the sense of control that writing a list gives me. And the euphoria of sheer smugness I feel every time I tick something off.
So I was intrigued to read that writing a shopping list can save me £520 per year. Of course that assumes I take the list to the supermarket with me (or slavishly follow it when placing my online grocery order) and make a concerted effort not to go ‘off-list’ when tempting offers pop up on my radar.
The £520 a year saving statistic comes from the Tesco Greener Living campaign website. It shows you how much money you can save by going greener, including:
- An estimated £365 a year if your home is well insulated
- £30 a year if you remember NOT to leave appliances on stand-by
- £55 a year if you turn your heating thermostst down by just 1degree C
- £200 from recycling your old mobile phone with Tesco
Have a go at Tesco’s online quiz and test your own green money-saving credentials.
Or at least put it on your list as something you should get round to.
P.S. Making a list is just one way to help you keep to a budget. If you need more tips download our Tip Sheet "How to Curb the Urge to Splurge" here.