Monday, 25 November 2013

Happiness. The best gift you can give.

Imagine a gift that lasts and lasts. that doesn't sit on a shelf. or get eaten. OR get taken back to the shop.

 One that brings happiness not for a fleeting moment. But for weeks or months.
Imagine treating a loved-one to that for just £15 - and at the same time gifting it to a person somewhere who can't afford it.
That's what's behind the Do Happiness Programme. The latest joyful offering from Do Something Different and Action for Happiness. 
Do Happiness
 from the latest blog at :
Created with our friends at Action for Happiness, Do Happiness is a six-week programme of personally tailored small actions (Do’s) designed to help you to develop more happiness for yourself and for the people around you.
How does it work?
It’s simple. You carry out our quick online happiness questionnaire. We then send you daily Do’s: psychologically powerful actions designed by our expert psychologists and picked especially for you to help bring more happiness into your life.
How will it help you to be happier?
The programme has been created around Action for Happiness’ 10 keys to happier living. Based on the latest research, the 10 keys are things that have been see to consistently make people’s lives happier and more fulfilling. Together they spell “GREAT DREAM”:
  • Giving
  • Relating
  • Exercising
  • Appreciating
  • Trying out
  • Direction
  • Resilience
  • Emotion
  • Acceptance
  • Meaning
Your Do Happiness programme will give you Do’s that will help you to explore any of the keys that might be lacking in your life, together with some inspirational quotes. All in all you get 32 Do’s over six weeks, with each one inviting you to do things that are known to increase happiness in our lives, and the in the lives of people around us. Some of them will be quite small, like appreciating things around you for example. Others, like carrying out a random act of kindness or contacting someone from the past you have lost contact with, might take a little courage.
Taken together, your Do’s will help you to practise happy habits almost every day for six weeks. Practise making scones or playing badminton for six weeks and you’ll find you’re much better at it by the end. The same applies to happiness!
Share the happiness
Everyone on the Do Happiness programme can share comments in our Do Zone and help one another along. Individuals might choose to sign up with a friend or family member and do it together. It’s also great for small companies or departments within companies who want to boost morale or just have some fun together.
We give one away free for everyone who joins
Because we don’t think money should get in the way of happiness, every place that's bought generates a place for someone that can’t afford it. 
People who can’t afford it can register on the waiting list to get a place as soon as it comes available. 
What’s more, people who buy a place instantly help someone who needs it, which means they’re spreading happiness as soon as they sign up.
How much does it cost?
Do Happiness costs £15 for a six-week programme – a total of 32 daily Do’s sent by email (and/or text to your mobile phone if you’re inside the EU). That’s less than the cost of a massage for something that lasts a lot, lot longer.
Boost your happiness today
Bring some extra happiness into your life, your family and friends’ lives or your business, and look forward to more happiness, one Do at a time.

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