Monday, 4 April 2011

New money advice service launched

Are you one of the many women who, when it  comes to asking for advice about money, has no idea where to go? The friendly bank manager is now a distant memory and even friends you trust can offer nothing but financial horror stories.
Or perhaps you’re scared about approaching organisations who offer ‘advice’ for fear you’ll get sold something you don’t want, or get charged for advice?
We’d like to allay those worries and point you to a safe pair of hands.
It’s the government advice service (formally the Consumer Financial Education Body) launched today that really does offer free, impartial money advice. 
We think it's a friendly site that's easy to browse without getting tripped up by horrid jargon. Perhaps it's the green colour scheme and homely images that makes it particularly relaxing and non-threatening? And there are free printed guides on offer, as well as face-to-face services and a free helpline (0300 500 5000).
A big plus is that it's very female friendly, with great sections on childcare, finance for parents, and help with those less-than-happy events like divorce and redundancy.
We particularly like the way they acknowledge that seeking financial advice isn't just a fact-finding exercise, and that money induces a lot of anxiety in people. There's a section headed 'Money Worries' especially for those wobbly times.

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