Wednesday, 27 May 2009

You owe it to yourself....

In these cash-strapped times are there any guilt-free treats left? 

When asked this in a press interview recently I said treats that have a life-enhancing effect are a must. They're the ones that give a whopping quality-of-life return on investment. So out go spa-days with a short-lived feel-good factor, where the after-glow from a massage disappears as soon as you’re back at your desk or wiping the kids’ noses. 

But how about a massage for the brain?

I had the equivalent of a brain massage recently in the form of a bibliotherapy session at the School of Life. My literary horizons were well and truly stretched and I've been binge-reading ever since. I came away with a prescription for 12 books that will keep my synapses firing and zinging for years to come.  All for less than the price of a seaweed wrap. Bliss.

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